Delve into the extraordinary lives of Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, and Julius Caesar when HISTORY® series "Ancient Empires" arrives on March 26 from Lionsgate. Featuring interviews from Pulitzer Prize®-winning biographer and historian Stacy Schiff, retired four-star General Stanley McChrystal, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO General Wesley Clark, retired Major General Marcia Anderson, the first African American woman to achieve the rank and renowned Cleopatra expert, Dr. Shelley Haley. “Ancient Empires” will be available on DVD for the suggested retail price of $19.98.
From Greece to Egypt to Italy, explore the dramatic rise and epic fall of three of the ancient world’s most iconic rulers – Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, and Julius Caesar – in the HISTORY® Channel’s ANCIENT EMPIRES. Filled with thrilling live-action sequences and explosive battle scenes, as well as insightful expert interviews from renowned authors, generals, and historians, this docuseries sheds new light on these compelling, enigmatic figures whose passion and drive to rule at all costs, as well as their eventual downfall, shaped the world we live in today.
- Simone Collins - The Last Duel, TV’s “FBI: International” and “Quantico”
- Geoffrey Breton - TV’s “The Crown,” “The Serpent” and “Blue Murder”
- Tom York - TV’s “Poldark,” “Olympus” and “American Gods”
- Scott Cohen - Get the Gringo, Love & Other Drugs, TV’s “The 10th Kingdom”
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