Directed by Matt Vesely (Overheater) and starring Lily Sullivan (Evil Dead Rise, I Met a Girl), the acclaimed sci-fi thriller MONOLITH debuts on Blu-ray™ April 23 from Well Go USA Entertainment.
While trying to salvage her career, a disgraced journalist (Sullivan) begins investigating a strange conspiracy theory. But as the trail leads uncomfortably close to home, she is left to grapple with the lies at the heart of her own story. Bonus materials include a Behind-the-Scenes featurette and Writer, Producer and Director Audio Commentary.
Following its international premiere at SXSW, MONOLITH was nominated for the New Visions Award at the Sitges - Catalonian International Film Festival, Best Direction in a Debut Feature Film at the Australian Directors Guild Awards and Best Indie Film at the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA) Awards.
While trying to salvage her career and rehabilitate her tarnished reputation, a disgraced journalist (Lily Sullivan) begins digging into a strange conspiracy theory via a controversial new investigative podcast. But as the evidence begins leading uncomfortably close to home, she will be forced to grapple with the web of lies at the heart of her own story.
MONOLITH has a runtime of approximately 94 minutes and is rated R for language.
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