The narrative directorial debut by documentary filmmaker Alexander J. Farrell (Refugee), and a cast including Kit Harington (“Game of Thrones,” Eternals), Ashleigh Cummings (The Goldfinch, Citadel), Caoilinn Springall (Stopmotion, The Midnight Sky), and James Cosmo (Braveheart), bring to frightening life the horror-thriller THE BEAST WITHIN, debuting on Digital August 13 and on Blu-ray™ and DVD October 22 from Well Go USA Entertainment.
Farrell brings a “timelessness” (Variety) to this atmospheric, supernatural tale--shot mostly around the historic Harewood Woods and Castle in West Yorkshire, UK—for a terrifying story about a young girl who discovers the family secret when she follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks to the heart of the forest.
After a series of strange events leads her to question her family’s isolated life on a fortified compound deep in the English wilds, 10-year-old Willow (Caoilinn Springall) follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks to the heart of the ancient forest. But upon witnessing her father undergo a terrible transformation, she too becomes ensnared by the dark ancestral secret they’ve tried so desperately to conceal.
THE BEAST WITHIN has a runtime of approximately 97 minutes and is rated R for some violent content and language.
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